Pot roast recipe for slow cooker
Do you want to make a delicious home-cooked meal the easy way? Then you’ll need to find out how to cook pot roast in your slow cooker. The best part is that you can throw it in there before you go to work in the morning and then come home to a delicious meal for the family after work. Yes, it really is that easy.
Keep on reading for all the details you need to know on cooking pot roast in a crock pot. It’s simple, easy and fun to do!
How to Cook a Pot Roast Using a Slow Cooker
Are you envious with people who can make wonders in the kitchen? Oftentimes, you feel need to take a culinary course, be it short or long-term to master the art of cooking, right?
Well, here’s the good news! Now, you need not take cooking classes to learn how to cook slow-cooker dishes for your family and loved ones.
As long as you have the right cooking equipment, you can easily prepare meals for your loved ones as if you are a pro! Invest in a high-quality slow cooker and you’ll definitely be able to successfully cook not just one but many dishes.
One of the most popular foods people cook with their slow cooker is pot roast. This is such a delicious main course you and your whole family can share at lunch or dinner and the better news is that, you can actually cook this!
Like we said, you need no culinary expertise to serve Pot Roast on the table. In this post, we’re teaching you four easy steps to cook the popular dish perfectly. Using the right slow cooker, your version of this yummy beef recipe can even be a lot better than the one you ate at a famous restaurant.
If you don’t have a slow cooker first, be sure to buy one first before trying this recipe. We recommend that you get the Proctor Silex Slow Cooker on Amazon.
Cook Pot Roast Like a Pro
When you find the slow cooker for your cooking needs, you’re all set to cook the Pot Roast using this new kitchen gadget of yours. If you buy one, the package usually comes with easy recipes you can follow. Certainly, a slow cooker can make you cook like a pro.
And, with this bestselling item, you can already confidently promise a loved one you can cook him or her the dish come special occasion. If you don’t see a Pot Roast recipe inside your slow cooker’s box, worry no more because you can still cook the all-time favorite dish like a pro with these easy hot-to’s.
Ingredients for Slow Cooker Pot Roast:
- Beef 2 lbs
- 1 onion
- 1 ½ cups carrots, cut crosswise (about ½ inch thick)
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 4 potatoes, cubed
- 2 celery stalks, cut into pieces the same size at the carrots
- 1 ½ cups beef broth
- 1 envelope onion soup mix
Procedures for Cooking Pot Roast in a Crock Pot:
1. Place the beef into the stoneware or cockpot.
2. Surround the meat with the carrots, potatoes and onion. Cut your onion into quarters and pull them apart. Add the broth and soup mix.
3. Cover the pot and set on ‘low’ (for six to eight hours). For faster cooking, set it on ‘high’ for three to four hours. Of course, power levels vary from crock pot to crock pot so be sure to keep an eye on your pot roast so that it doesn’t get overdone.
4. Transfer to serving plate. For best results, wait a few minutes before cutting so the juices stay in the meat.
5. Eat and enjoy. It really is that easy to have a healthy weeknight meal with such a small amount of hassle or fuss.
Learn More about Making Pot Roast in the Slow Cooker
Do you want to find out even more tips and trick for making a delicious roast in a crockpot? Then you’ll want to check out this short video below for all the details you need to know:
Have your Say about this Slow Cooker Recipe
What are your thoughts about making a beef roast without a roasting pan in the slow cooker? Do you any tips or tricks, or even a secret recipe that you’d like to share with us? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think. We’d love to hear from you.
Also be sure to give this article a share on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. It’ll help other home cooking enthusiasts, like yourself find this useful resource guide.
p.s. Maybe you love serving your roast beef with mashed potatoes? Then you’ll definitely want to check out our highly recommended kitchen tool for making them: Best Potato Ricer.

How to cook pot roast in a crock pot